At a time when competition is increasingly fierce, AI in e-commerce is a precious ally! For one thing, it allows you to optimize your sites in a highly effective way! Not only does it make them more readable for Internet users, but also for search engine algorithms.
AI for e-commerce site readability
Today, marketplaces have become indispensable. Everyone’s trying their hand at e-commerce! Numerous opportunities are opening up… But competition is fierce! That’s why it’s no longer enough to offer a large number of products, or effective product sheets. While these elements remain indispensable, so does the readability of the e-commerce site. This applies to both users and browsers. The easier it is for browsers to crawl a site, the better the pages will be referenced. Thanks to AI, retailers have the opportunity to stand out from the crowd. In this case, it enables high-volume references to be indexed and made accessible.
Intelligent categorization for e-commerce
How can we ensure that all the references on offer are accessible? The prerequisite is an “intelligent” categorization of the products on offer. However, such categorization is not easy, especially when the number of references multiplies. Firstly, you need to have data associated with each product. Secondly, this data needs to be organized to create the appropriate categorization, which will enhance the proposed catalog. This process is very time-consuming if done manually, regardless of the number of references. AI makes it possible to automate data processing in an intelligent way. Text mining software extracts, analyzes and classifies large data sets. This means you can quickly categorize a site optimally, and better adapt the content of your product descriptions.
Each time a new reference is integrated, the same organization must be maintained, otherwise the site’s organization will be turned upside down. Categorization, so essential to the user experience, will become ineffective. So don’t copy and paste a supplier’s product catalog into your site structure! Use AI instead. It will automate the processing of incoming product data, making it possible to systematize their organization. Objective: ensure efficient categorization for better conversion!
Faceting for a successful shopping experience
Browsers crawl a well-organized site better. Remember that crawler means “to move around and scan for a browser”. The result? The site is better referenced and more user-friendly. So how do you optimize the user experience and convert as many visits as possible into purchases? Faceted navigation is the key. Faceted navigation is also known as “filter navigation” or “faceted search”. A filter is synonymous with a facet. Sub-categorization then follows categorization, and so on. In this way, AI precisely helps to define the tree structure of one’s site. This functionality enables users to sort and classify products according to chosen criteria, which vary according to the type of product on offer. If correctly defined and linked to the corresponding products, they can significantly improve the user experience. As a direct consequence, they can ultimately increase conversion rates. Nevertheless, caution is advised, as poorly designed faceted navigation can increase the rate of duplicate content. This can penalize your site’s SEO.
AI for automatic product page generation
How do you set up effective faceting? First, index products intelligently. Once the product data has been processed and organized (using intelligent text mining software), it’s possible to implement faceted navigation. This optimizes the user experience and improves site page ranking.
In fact, AI enables better categorization and sub-categorization of a website. Specific filters simplify navigation for web users. It improves product visibility and, ultimately, conversion rates. What else can these filters be used for? They can also be used to automatically generate new product pages, based on specific criteria. Using data and specific keywords, the AI will generate a product title and URL for the page.
5 seconds to remember what AI brings to e-commerce
AI for e-commerce means:
- Improve your SEO with categorization and faceting
- Increase your conversion rate with a better user experience
- Automatically generate product pages
- Control your duplicate rate
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